McGill - RIKEN Partnership

Program and Information

The McGill - RIKEN Partnership program is sponsoring world-class biomedical research collaborations between the Institutes. It is led by the McGill Genome Centre and the McGill Research Centre on Complex Traits,  within the McGill Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (McGill FMHS), and by the RIKEN Centre for Integrated Medical Sciences (RIKEN IMS) on the RIKEN Yokohama campus. Regular meetings (Sympoisa) between the groups are used to exchange scientific ideas and identify new collaborative activities.

RIKEN - McGill Symposium taking place virtually in 2021

RIKEN - McGill Symposium taking place virtually in 2021

The Partnership's research focus is on interdisciplinary investigations at the interface between genomics, immunology, and computational methodology, along with research on the policy, social, legal and ethical questions that arise from this work.

The Partnership supports three component activities:

  1. Research collaborations between investigators at McGill FMHS and RIKEN IMS, such as the collaborative program on "Single-cell probing of epigenetic memory in immunity". See Collaborations for details.

  2. Short and long-term exchange of researchers, post-doctoral fellows and students. Laboratories at RIKEN IMS who are currently accepting McGill students can be found here.  See Travel Awards and Studentships for details.

  3. Thematic scientific symposia bringing together researchers and trainees from the institutions, and to promote scientific exchange. See Symposia for information regarding the Partnership scientific meetings.

Signing the McGill - RIKEN MOU in 2018.

Signing the McGill - RIKEN MOU in 2018.

In 2018, McGill. RIKEN and the Fonds de Recherche du Québec (FRQ) signed a joint declaration of intent to strengthen the McGill-RIKEN partnership. The collaboration was a highlight of the roundtable held on the occasion of the 14th Japan-Canada Joint Committee Meeting on Science and Technology Cooperation in Tokyo in January 2019, and of the webinar "Facing the Pandemic Together: Canada-Japan Science and Technology Cooperation", sponsored by the Japan Embassy in Canada, that was held virtually in February 2021.